This a message that God gave to Brother Hosanna David on the 19th June 2024.

“For there shall come a time that Lucifer shall entice the children of men to involve themselves in committing abominable iniquities to provoke the God of Heaven and Earth to anger. These sins involve the killings, sacrifice and human consumption of innocent souls. Hosanna, there is nothing about earthman that is more sacred than an innocent baby in the womb of its mother. This the Devil has devised several means to sacrifice to make mockery of My Creation. The sacrifice and human consumption of fetuses have increased. This is to pollute the Earth enough for the appearance of some categories of wicked fallen angels into the world. The more wickedness man practices, the more grip and control Satan has over man and the planet man dwells.”

“Three (3) days shall be like three (3) hours. This is the speed of the revelation of the man of sin. He shall no longer be delayed, for his time is nearer than people think. He is gradually soaking the different systems of the world in evil. Remember My Word, “If the foundations are being destroyed, what shall the righteous do?” He is corrupting the systems of this world so that they can run on iniquities.”

“Men shall no longer be enticed to do evil because the land shall be so corrupt that men shall encourage one another to swim in the filth of their wicked ways. Those who rebuke evil shall be victimized. Those who speak against the corruption in the world shall become enemies to these people. The whole land is polluted. The innocence of the unborn is being sacrificed to continue to pollute the world.”

Then He said to me, “Warn all those who support the sacrifice of these innocent souls. They have no place in the Kingdom of God. Even if they do not kill, they are like murderers in My sight. They do not belong to My Kingdom.”

Then I heard a voice that announced, “Prepare ye the way of the Antichrist.” As I looked, I saw 7 ladies. They wore black suits and a black inner dress but with red neckties around their neck. The voice that spoke to me said, “These are those who have been sent to prepare the way of the Antichrist.

They have three (3) missions on earth:

1. Advocate for the right of women. In course of doing that they push for the right of women to freely submit the souls of their unborn. This is the agenda. It is for the sacrifice of the innocent children through abortion.

2. They increase the activities of sexual immorality, especially among young people. This is to increase the rate of unwanted pregnancies.

3. They are highly involved in different researches and technologies on how to use aborted children in the best way possible. This is deception. They deceive people to sacrifice their innocent unborn children. These are not necessarily for technological use, but rather they are for the purpose of sacrificing enough innocent souls to pollute the land enough and make it fit for the revelation of the Antichrist.”

Then He said to me, “Let all those who have taken part in this sacrifice repent and ask the merciful God for forgiveness and they shall be forgiven.”

Then I heard a voice that said, “The land is polluted, it is filled with the blood of the innocent. They have killed those who did not provoke them. They have splashed their innocent blood upon the walls of the streets of the nations. Who shall clean off these abominations? The earth groans because of the evils that are being committed in it day and night. Humans have been led astray to think that they have been granted freedom. They do not understand that they are partaking in cementing the soil of the earth with evil in preparation for the revelation of the evil one, the man of sin.”

Again, I heard another voice that spoke as if he is lamenting. He said, “How much humans have corrupted their ways! How could those who call themselves My children feed on the blood of these innocent ones? How can you say you are not guilty when you eat the foods and use the products that contain different ingredients from the bodies of these innocent souls? How many of you have ever drank water from the gutters before? You do well by avoiding drinking from the gutters, but you have eaten from the pot of blood, the blood of these innocent souls that are being sacrificed. I have passed My judgment against you already because you do not care about what is clean and what is unclean in a world of sin. You have made wars to continue because you buy and consume the gains of the unceasing wars against these innocent souls that are being slaughtered daily in different homes and hospitals. I shall require the blood of every human being from the hands of these murderers and all those who prepare the ground for their death, including those who benefit from the byproducts of their bodies. I have said Satan shall no longer entice people to do evil, but he shall corrupt the systems of this world so that men can swim in his iniquities. This is his plan.”