This is a message I Brother Hosanna David got from the Lord on the 19th of June 2024. The message is deeper than what I am making public. This is because of reasons I cannot make public. I asked the Holy Spirit for permission to not share the message at all or share only a portion of it but without the details and He permitted me.

Below is the message:

“It was a time like this I warned against the rise of Adolf Hitler, but as usual, men chose to follow their own choice. I warn again that there is a queue of those who enslave mankind a particular leader. A vote for him is a vote for the dark powers that ruin world peace and enslave the free man. Announce to mankind that the world is in transition to the Beast system. A vote for a puppet shall facilitate their plans without resistance.”

“Let everyone who loves the Lord not vote for persons, but for the Lord and the good of mankind because this is a crucial time in the history of the world.”

“Africa has been divided and taken over. This is the same thing the men whose names are unknown to the ordinary man want to do to the US. The two elections before 2030 are the most important elections in the world. These two elections shall determine if light or darkness shall be born on the eve of 2030.”

“Again, I warn against rendering mankind powerless to produce food for himself. This is a major tool that will rule the dark days of 2030 and beyond. The hunger of today is controlled by those who invented it and it shall be one of the most powerful weapons in the hands of the men of the underworld. Plant on the ground and reap from the soil that the earth provides. Those who devise other means join hands with the very enemy of mankind to enslave them. My son, tell them that food shall be weaponized. It shall be beyond the imagination of man.”

“Let the watchers fast on a weekly basis and pray for the US elections. I am the LORD, I will always have my way and My written word can never be violated nor rendered ineffective. It must come to pass. I warn because of the suffering that the enemies will bring upon mankind when they fail to watch and resist the plans of the enemies of mankind. These are the warnings from the Lord.”