This is a prophetic message I received from the Lord on the 22nd December 2022. It is a message to those who have received the COVID-19 vaccines.

Watch the video here:

“I am the God of all flesh. I knew when My enemies made these plans to corrupt My children. This is the third time they tried to corrupt all flesh. Satan did through sin, his agents did through sex and again they planned to corrupt all flesh. Now, thus says the Lord, `I have yet left a tiny space for the salvation of those who have been injured. Let all those who have been vaccinated avoid alcohol. They need to be sober all the time. Who will have these millions of people and cast them away? Tell them that they have been injured therefore they should look for healing of their bodies and minds. Tell them that I shall not cast anyone away because they receive the vaccines. This is not because they did not sin against me but because I have decided to show them My mercy. I sent many of my children to warn them about the danger of receiving the enemies’ liquid razor blade yet many people did not listen. This is a sin that worth death but I am leaving a small room for repentance because of my abundance of grace.

These are three things all those who received the poisonous vaccines should do:

  1. They must repent of their disobedience and ask God for healing.
  2. They should watch against further harm and damage. Let every injured soul seek healing, not more harm. This is a sign of repentance too.
  3. They must search their lives and remove every sin.”

Then He said to me, “Hosanna, tell them that those who refuse to hear My word in their lifetime shall have extra torment; to him much grace was shown from him much shall be required because the grace of God must not be trampled upon underfoot. Tell them that none of them should come before Me without getting healed. If they repent I will heal them. Repentance is a prerequisite for their healing. Tell them that they should see themselves as people who have been injured that need healing.”

On the 5th and 20th of January 2022 God gave me a message about autoimune disease outbreak. In that message He said “Detox and unplug yourself”. Again I heard the same voice saying “Detox yourself and unplug yourself from the vaccine programme. The vaccine is presented to people as a static jesus that will take them nowhere.”